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PV Manager

Planned faster than you think.

PV Manager is a planning tool for grid-connected PV systems for both the residential and commercial sector. As a comprehensive program, it offers all functions for planning, selling and processing in a single piece of professional software.

It assists you professionally with every project. From customer enquiries to quotations and orders, right through to commissioning.

What can the PV Manager do?

It can do everything in one tool:

  • Clear graphics, detailed presentation of the environment and a clear overview of individual documents helps to win over your customers.
  • Plan, document and order all necessary components directly in our Online Shop.

Incredibly quick and easy planning:

  • Saves a lot of time during planning thanks to comprehensive support, clear user interface and intuitive operation.

Keeps the customer constantly in focus:

  • Clear graphics, detailed presentation of the environment and a clear overview of individual documents helps to win over your customers.

Always stay up to date:

  • The PV Manager is under constant development by IBC SOLAR based on installers' experience: Therefore, it is tailored precisely to meet the requirements of PV experts, while automatic updates ensure that the software is always up to date.

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Find out all you need to know in our PV Manager 5.0 Basics Webinar.

Interested? Then order your PV Manager licence directly in our Shop.

What specific functions does the PV Manager have?

Building and roof planning
  • Takes troublesome objects into account
  • Shadow simulation
  • Integrated location and weather data, such as altitude above sea level and snow loads
  • Several roofs can be interconnected
Module and support planning
  • Ballast plan for flat roofs
  • Assembly and routing plan
  • Verifiable statics calculation as per EuroCode
Electrical planning
  • Inverter and storage planning
  • Self-consumption analysis
  • Complete cabling for modules and inverters
  • Use of own load profiles
  • Integrated standard load profiles, e.g. commercial, household, heat pump, agriculture
  • E-mobility load profile generation
  • Quotation as PDF with your company logo
  • Listing of own items (e.g. site equipment, AC assembly material, etc.)
  • Operating costs (profitability) included
  • Presentation in 2D or 3D via IBC SOLAR Visualiser
  • Comprehensive component list with all required components and direct order via the IBC SOLAR Online Shop with the click of a button
  • The latest customised purchasing terms and conditions
  • Automatically generated installation plan as an assembly aid
  • Complete system documentation for you and your customers
  • Project summary
  • Invoicing